Quality Home Birth Care

Birth is normal. God created birth and God created the woman’s body to be able to give birth without needing intervention in most cases.

Prenatal Care

We see mom for regularly scheduled 45-minute prenatal visits. We follow moms through the normal course of pregnancy, build relationship, educate, and pay attention to her body, mind, and spirit to identify when special care is needed.

Labor & Birth

We are on call 24/7 and support the mom to move freely and birth wherever she desires including in water. We trust the birth process and are simply present as a safety net if anything requires our skills, medicine, or equipment.

Postpartum Care

We remain on call 24/7 for our clients immediately after the birth for any urgent medical concerns for mom or baby through 6 weeks postpartum. We perform heart and hearing screenings for baby and file for the birth certificate.

What our clients are saying...



"Giving birth at home was intense, powerful, and so so special for me. I’d do it over and over again. I feel like I finally experienced birth and post-partum how God intended it and I’m so thankful for Natural Birth KC for opening that door for me."



"The world disappeared for those fifteen seconds of the purest joy I’ve ever been lucky enough to experience. I cried at the sight of her. She was beautiful. She cried out the sweetest little cry and then she was calm. She was finally here. I was in love all over again. I never wanted to move. I wanted to look at her for the rest of my life. I held her and Michael held me; the perfect sphere of love."



"Words cannot express how grateful I am for this team and how well they served us. I would definetly recommend their services to any families that are looking into a natural birth"

Get in Touch

Contact us with your questions or to meet with an NBKC midwife for a consult interview.

Find us at the office

13211 Crystal Ave, Grandview, MO 64030

Send us a text or call

Mon - Fri, 8am-6pm

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